Cumulocity IoT Quickstart

your sensors

with Cumulocity IoT Quickstart

Start your IoT pilot now

Unsure of where and how to start with the IoT? Trying to develop a business case? Lack specialized IoT expertise on your team?

Put those worries behind you with Cumulocity IoT Quickstart, an intensive consulting led, cloud delivered engagement that helps you define your business goals, rapidly increase your IoT knowledge and achieve measurable outcomes with little effort and minimal risk.

Give me a quote

Charles Joel, IoT & Data Analytics Director Industrials Group
We used Cumulocity IoT Quickstart to rapidly turn our innovative air compressor concept into an industrialized prototype suitable for our friendly user pilot. With Quickstart, we could focus on our business objectives during solution development, and we learned how to maintain, configure and evolve the solution when it was deployed. QuickStart helped us understand the SoftwareAG Cumulocity IoT Service faster than developing on prototype breadboards. Charles Joel, IoT & Data Analytics Director Industrials Group

Four phases for your Quickstart

Here’s how Cumulocity IoT Quickstart ensures business value at every step:
    • Discovery workshop explores your IoT goals and initiatives
    • One or two focus use cases selected
    • Project planned and success criteria determined
    • Deep-dive workshop defines “as-is” and “to-be” architectures
    • Functional and technical descriptions of use cases developed
    • Project plan refined, milestones set
    • Your team develops artefacts
    • Our consultants develop the initial IoT solution and provide support for its evolution
    • Solution reviewed against requirements
    • Outcomes measured against success criteria
    • Future project phases identified to deliver additional value

What you get with Quickstart

  • Enablement Services

    • Five days of Software AG IoT business and technical specialists to facilitate the workshops and develop the solution: three days on-site at your offices and two days off-site.

    • Access to best-in-class IoT approaches from the 1,000s of deployed solutions on Cumulocity IoT worldwide.

  • Cumulocity IoT Cloud Platform

    • Three-month enterprise tenant subscription plus Cloud Fieldbus for rapid industrial machine connections, microservice hosting (1 core) for specific business logic and Apama Streaming Analytics (1 core) for complex event processing.

    • Connect and manage up to 100 devices, creating up to 2 million inbound data transfers per month and storing up to 10 GB data.

  • Solution Accelerators

    • Access our ever-growing catalogue of Cumulocity IoT solution accelerators, ranging from individual dashboard and analytics rule templates to complex starter applications.

    • Contribute to our solution accelerators roadmap and influence delivery prioritisation.

Need help getting buy-in?

Dependant on the culture of your business, convincing decision makers of the importance of the IoT to your business strategy may take some preparation. Senior executives, business leaders and technology leaders each have priorities and may pose questions you need to address.

Let us help. Based on our experience selling the value of the IoT to CEOs, CFOs, CIOs and OT/IT leaders at 1,000s of organizations, we’ve developed a three-stage approach to help you get the buy-in you need to move quickly. Read our guide to understand stakeholder concerns and plan your responses to common questions.

Read “How to Sell the Value of the IoT” Guide

Awaken your sensors with Quickstart today

Get our sales team to contact you to initiate your Quickstart