Software AG is committed to transparency and open communication both inside and outside the company. Important information on Software AG and how to contact us can be found here. 

Software AG is a stock corporation under German law with headquarters in Darmstadt, Germany. 

Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Dr. Ing. Andreas Bereczky
Chairman of the Management Board: Sanjay Brahmawar 
Board of Management:

Arnd Zinnhardt  
John Schweitzer 
Dr. Stefan Sigg

Postal address: Uhlandstrasse 12,  
D-64297 Darmstadt 
Postfach 13 02 51,  
D-64242 Darmstadt 
Phone: +49-6151-92-0
Fax: +49-6151-92-1191

Software AG is entered in the Register of Companies of Darmstadt Local Court under the No. HRB 1562

The VAT identification number of Software AG is DE 111 660 314.  

Implementation and Design:

Software AG 
Uhlandstrasse 12 
D-64297 Darmstadt 

Responsibility in accordance  

with §§ 55 RStV:
Byung-Hun Park 
Uhlandstrasse 12 
D-64297 Darmstadt