IoT Analytics, a leading provider of market insights for the Internet of Things (IoT), M2M, and Industry 4.0, has recognised Software AG’s Cumulocity IoT as Best-in-Class for Partnerships in its recent survey and interview series for their IoT Platforms Market Report & Vendor Comparison 2018.

IoT Analytics stated that the first actionable insight how IoT Platform vendors can successfully stand out in the crowded market was related to partnerships.

“IoT vendors need to build a strong partner ecosystem by embracing collaboration with 2-3 companies from each layer across the tech stack”

Collaboration with hardware, connectivity, cloud, analytics, security, and system integration partners can help IoT Platform vendors from both a technological and business perspective:

Technological - IoT platform vendors can focus on their core technological strengths while relying on expertise from others across their non-core activities

Business - Opens new business opportunities to get involved in some partner’s projects and even start combined-selling of collaborative solutions

IoT Analytics found that Software AG has the most IoT-related partnerships in place, at 46 partners, which is more than 2x the average of the rest of the IoT platform vendors and makes the company stand out.

“The IoT Platform Cumulocity, which was acquired by Software AG in March 2017 now benefits from the broad partnership ecosystem of Software AG. Since its acquisition Software AG’s Cumulocity has now become one of the top 15 IoT platforms in the market, with the strong partnership ecosystem of Software AG opening many new doors for them in the market.”
Padraig Scully, VP Market Research, IoT Analytics

“We are delighted that the breadth and depth of our partner eco-system has been recognised by IoT Analytics. At Software AG we consider our partnerships to be a key component our customer value. The sophistication and comprehensiveness of our PowerUp Partner Program has evolved from over 40 years being a leading integration and middleware software provider. Over the last 5 years we have tailored this to cater for the specific needs of the evolving IoT market with low touch partner onboarding, increased cloud software support and training. All of which means that Software AG is the perfect partner for your digital transformation.”
Frank Schiewer, SVP Global Partner Management, Software AG


View the summary of the IoT Analytics IoT Platforms Market Report & Vendor Comparison 2018
Discover the Software AG Partner Program