The Integration team pushes out new features, improvements and bug fixes several times per month. So, it is time to take a look and see what’s new.

This month, we have enhanced the Mapper feature available in your workflow canvas. 

Mapper is a graphical data mapping tool that allows you to simplify the transfer of data while configuring a workflow. For example, the output data of a trigger or an action can be easily used as an input for a particular action using Mapper.

With Mapper, you can easily:

  • Combine the outputs of a trigger and actions
  • Create visual maps from one data structure to another
  • Map values from the object of a trigger or action’s output to the input of the next action


Transform in Mapper

The Transform option available under Mapper lets you modify the data from different systems before passing it on. For example, Salesforce and Marketo use different terminology and formats for their data. When sharing information between these two services, Transform allows you to alter the data so that the output is in the supported format.

With Transform, you can perform various operations on the input data of any trigger or action to customize the data you send to the next action. Currently, Integration offers 74 Transform operations, which fall under these categories:

  • Array
  • Custom
  • Date
  • JSON
  • Math
  • Object
  • String
  • Util

The Transform option is available in all actions supported by Integration.

To learn more about it, take a look at our Documentation site or watch the video.